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The National University of Tucumán (UNT) was founded on May 25, 1914. It is a federal public university located in the Tucumán Province in northwestern Argentina. Order #Universidad Nacional de Tucumán diploma. Its activities are regulated by federal law, which provides funding and autonomy for federal public universities.
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The highest authority of the National University of Tucumán is the University Congress. #Buy National University of Tucumán degree. Which is responsible for establishing internal regulations and appointing the Rector and Vice-Rector as heads of the executive authority. According to the internal regulations, government decisions are issued by the University Council. Where to buy a University of El Salvador degree in Argentina
The academic activities of the National University of Tucumán are organized by the faculties and high schools in the fields of science, engineering, humanities and arts, with a student population of 70,000. Since its establishment, UNT has always focused on research as the main source of knowledge creation, and international cooperation is a strategic issue in all research areas of UNT. In addition, through various outreach programs, UNT also maintains a systematic cooperation with society.