The Technische Hochschule Georg Agricola in Bochum is a private, state-recognized university of the DMT Society for Teaching and Education mbH. Buy Technische Hochschule Georg Agricola diploma. The university offers engineering courses as full-time and part-time or extra-occupational courses in the scientific fields of geoengineering, mining and technical business administration, mechanical and process engineering, and electrical and information technology.
THGA is split into three faculties, which currently offer eight bachelor’s and six master’s degree courses in total. Order Technische Hochschule Georg Agricola diploma, fake THGA urkunde. Teaching and learning are designed to be of practical relevance, with some 80 per cent of dissertations exploring topics relevant to a company. The majority of courses are also available on a part-time basis. Since 2018, it has also been possible to graduate from the master’s programmes with the title “European Engineer” (Eur Ing). Buy Nordakademie Hochschule der Wirtschaft urkunde, Zeugnis
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Students can enrol on the world’s only Geo-Engineering and Post-Mining master’s programme, which offers a combination of natural sciences and technology. The programme’s curriculum covers not only rock mechanics and economic geology, but hydrology, surveying and legal issues too. The Head of the Research Institute is Professor Christian Melchers (last updated: 2019). The Institute also has a special professorship for “Geo-Monitoring in Mining and Post-Mining” endowed by the RAG-Stiftung. This post has been held by Professor Tobias Rudolph since May 2019.